Forming a Double Lock with Hardy Tool

Using these beginning dimensions with the hardy tool will result in a 1" standing seam.

These are the dimensions for a cleat that is to be used with the 1" standing seam.

Here you can see the position of the cleat between the two panels.

Then the tabs of the cleat can be bent down over the panel legs.

At this point you are ready to form the double lock standing seam with the hardy tool. Color has been added to the drawing for clarity. The blue identifies the female leg and the red the male leg.

Step 1 :

Mate the higher side of the tool with the inner panel (red)

Strike the outer panel (blue) until it has been bent flat to the top ledge of the tool.

Step 2 :

Reverse tool so that the higher side is now against the outer panel (blue)

Strike the outer panel (blue) until it has been bent down against the inside panel.

Step 3 :

Rotate tool so that the lower side is now against the inner panel (red) where it has been bent in the previous steps

Strike the opposite side of the outer panel (blue) until it has been bent down against the top ledge of the tool.

Step 4 :

Reverse tool so that the lower side is now against the unbent side of the outer panel (blue)

Strike the outer panel (blue) until it has been bent down against the inside panel.